LANTERN - ترجمة إلى العربية
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LANTERN - ترجمة إلى العربية

Lanthorn; Electric lantern; Fueled lantern; Marker lantern; Railroad lantern; Candle lantern; Lanterns
  • Arabic style lanterns ([[fanous]]), symbolic in the Islamic month of Ramadan
  • A railroad [[brakeman]]'s signal lantern, fueled by [[kerosene]].
  • Street lanterns in [[Algeciras]], [[Andalusia]], [[Spain]]
  • 15th-century candle lantern from [[Germany]], perforated metal



بابُور ; سِرَاج ; فانُوس ; قِنْدِيل ; مِسْرَجَة ; مِشْكاة ; مِصْباح ; نِبْراس

اسْم : المِشْكاة . صندوق زجاجيّ يوضع فيه المصباح . مَنْوَر السقف
المشكاة: صندوق زجاجى يوضع فيه المصباح منارة ، فنار = حجرة الضوء فى منارة = منور السقف = برج صغير الفانوس السحرى


1) to light a lantern
2) to shine a lantern on
3) a battery-operated; kerosene (AE), paraffin (BE); propane lantern
4) a lantern flashes; gleams; shines



A lantern is an often portable source of lighting, typically featuring a protective enclosure for the light source – historically usually a candle or a wick in oil, and often a battery-powered light in modern times – to make it easier to carry and hang up, and make it more reliable outdoors or in drafty interiors. Lanterns may also be used for signaling, as torches, or as general light-sources outdoors.

أمثلة النطق لـ٪ 1
1. which Green Lantern sucked.
Batman & the Rise of Nerd Culture _ Glen Weldon _ Talks at Google
2. Hence, the ninja lantern shark.
Eye of the Shoal _ Helen Scales & Aaron Gregory _ Talks at Google
3. of Lantern in some way.
Escape Censorship with Lantern _ Adam Fisk _ Talks at Google
4. Not even "The Magic Lantern."
Radio Silence Conversation _ Daniel Handler & Dan Stone _ Talks at Google
5. that the Green Lantern is in.
The Smartest Book in the World _ Greg Proops _ Talks at Google
أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. Green Lantern: Launched with the space age, test pilot Hal Jordan became Green Lantern, a galactic peace officer with an emerald power ring.
2. Anthony Lilley is chief executive of Magic Lantern productions.
3. It‘s a porcelain angel, holding a battery–operated lantern.
4. NHK said she was crushed by a falling stone lantern.
5. Artefacts on display include the lantern carried by Fawkes.